The rice with rabbit we propose that you prepare today is a classic Spanish recipe that it’s a must-try because it’s mouthwatering.
In addition to being easy-to-make and economical, something we’re thankful because it doesn’t affect our pocketbooks too much, and we’ll be enjoying a marvelous meal with no further complications.
This rice with rabbit is typical of the Castilian community. Would you like to learn how to make it?
How to make traditional rice with rabbit?
Making rice with rabbit has no complications at all; from the moment you begin cooking your culinary abilities will make you look like a chef in front of your guests.
In order to make rice with rabbit you’ll only have to provide yourself the two main ingredients, in addition to some greens to give more color and flavor to the preparation.
The greens we use the most for this traditional version of the recipe are artichoke, tomatoes and green beans, but feel free to use others you like.
Additionally, we use onion and garlic to intensify the flavor of the rice with rabbit even more.
This recipe is perfect for any kind of guest, it’s even good to include on the menu for those who practice a healthy lifestyle, since rabbit is low in fat and very nutritious.
But we must tell you that to make sure this recipe is 100% recommendable, we suggest to use fresh ingredients as well as to prepare a homemade broth to make sure it contains neither preservatives nor extra ingredients.
The broth will be the main secret of this rice with rabbit recipe that will make you stand out in front of everyone. If you prepare it using our step-by-step instructions, we’re sure you’ll get it perfect.
Rice with rabbit recipe

- 600 grams of chopped rabbit
- 300 grams of round-grain rice
- 2 artichokes
- A bunch of green beans
- 2 ripe tomatoes
- 1 onion
- ½ a lemon
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 teaspoon of paprika
- Parsley as desired
- 2 tablespoon of olive oil
- Salt as desired
For the broth
- 1 ½ L of water
- 1 leek
- 1 turnip
- 2 carrots
- 1 stick of celery
- 1 stick of fresh thyme
- 1 onion
- 100 mL of white wine
- 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
- A pinch of salt
Step by step how to prepare
- Start preparing all the ingredients for the broth. Peel and cut the carrots, the turnip, the celery, the onion and the garlic. Also, cut the roots of the leek, remove the first layer and separate the green part from the white part which will be the one will be using and cut it in medium pieces.
- Then add the oil to a traditional pot or a pressure cooker, and when it’s hot, sauté the garlic for a couple of minutes until it’s light brown.
- Add the onion, the carrot and the leek to sauté them as well for 5 minutes on low heat.
- Later, increase the heat to high and add the white wine and let it cook for 3 minutes before adding the turnip, the celery and the thyme. Also, add the water and a pinch of salt.
- Cook on high heat until it starts boiling and when we reach this point lower the heat to low to keep cooking for 60 minutes if you’re using a traditional pot or from 12 to 15 minutes if you’re using a pressure cooker. Remove the foam that will form on the surface since it has impurities.
- After this time, drain the broth and save it for later.
- Now, it’s time to prepare the rice with rabbit. The first thing you have to do is to cut the artichokes in 4 or 6 pieces and put them in a bowl with water and the juice of half a lemon.
- Next, brown the rabbit on medium heat in a wide pan or paella dish with the hot oil.
- Once they’re brown, remove them and using that same pan sauté garlic, the onion and the artichokes which have to be already drained for some seconds the.
- Add the paprika, the grated tomatoes and the beans, sauté for some minutes before adding the rice and pour a liter of the hot broth we previously prepared. Mix them and add the browned rabbit.
- Check the point of salt and in case it’s necessary you can add a bit more until reaching the point you like.
- Cook for 15 or 18 minutes until the rice and the rabbit are well cooked. Turn off the stove, add the cut parsley, cover up and let it rest for 10 minutes before consuming it.
Video. How to Make

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