Potato salad is such a refreshing dish that it’s perfect to enjoy during summer months.
Nevertheless, you can prepare it any time you’d like to have it because it’s perfect for any period of the year.
And since many of us like enjoying a delicious potato salad many times during the year, we propose that you to learn how to make it perfectly.
So, if you’re a lover this dish that is so simple, but at the same time an ideal complement to several kinds of meals, don’t miss the step-by-step instructions we’ll offer you at the end of this article.
This recipe is also known by the name of Kartoffelsalat, since its true origin is German, but it’s consumed worldwide, especially in Spain and Latin America.
Without any doubt, every time you prepare it you will fall for its flavor more and more, as well as for its versatility because you can use this recipe as the base to create new ones.
The only thing you need is to put your imagination to work and spare a few minutes to get it ready, whatever variant you wish to prepare.
How to make traditional potato salad?
Potato salad is quite easy to make, we only need some good potatoes and a few extra ingredients to intensify its flavor.
By the way, these ingredients are quite common and we usually have them in our kitchens, so this is the reason why it won’t be too difficult to prepare it once you’ve decided to make it.
Although, as we have mentioned previously, you can prepare some variants using this recipe as a base, and of course, we’ll give you some of these options afterwards.
When we talk about good potatoes, we mean those kinds of potatoes that doesn’t break up when cooking them, keeping their shape while mixing them with the rest of the ingredients.
In Germany, these kinds of potatoes are called festkochend and they are the ones used in this recipe.
On the other hand, there’s no official register of unique elaborations to prepare the potato salad, so we can use either of its two main variants without any problem: with mayonnaise or without it.
To prepare the potato salad with mayonnaise, we only need some of this last ingredient and that will give freshness to our preparation; in this way, one of the most known of these recipes is the potato salad with eggs.
However, in case you choose to prepare the potato salad without mayonnaise, you will need to add some salty ingredients.
So you can prepare the version you like the most, and why not, you can make both of them so you can enjoy them whenever you want, since we’ll explain to you how to make each one of them.
Potato salad recipe

- 3 potatoes
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar
- 4 tablespoons of oil
- ½ purple onion
- 2 bacon slices
- 1 gherkin or caper
- Fresh parsley as desired
- Salt and pepper as desired
Step by step how to prepare
- Peel and slice the potatoes to cook them in abundant water with salt until they’re soft, but not too much so they don’t break up and lose their shape. You can also boil them with their skin and then peel them and slice them.
- Remove the potatoes from the stove, drain them and set them aside to use them later. Cut the bacon in small pieces and fry it in hot oil until it’s well brown.
- Cut the rest of the ingredients in small pieces as well: the parsley, the onion and the gherkin in case you use it.
- Mix the oil and the vinegar well, then add the onion, the bacon and the gherkin or the caper, and then spread them over the already cooked potatoes.
- Check the saltiness, add some pepper as you desire as well as some finely cut parsley.
- And now our potato salad without mayonnaise is ready to be served.
- Now we’ll tell you how to prepare it with mayonnaise.
Video. How to Make

You can also include other optional ingredients such as sausages or ham, ½ tablespoon of mustard, black olives, scallion and celery.
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